By-Laws                                                             (adopted 08OCT2004)

Of the

Indianapolis Radio Club




Membership is open to all persons interested in Amateur Radio. There shall be four (4) classes of membership;



a. Individual - Regular membership is open to all persons interested in Amateur Radio.  Regular membership includes

all club privileges, as well as the rights to hold a club office and full voting privileges. ($15.00/ yr amended 12NOV2004)


b. Family - Family membership is open to related persons, living in the same household.  Family membership shall be

offered at a special membership.  Family membership includes all club privileges except; the Family will only receive

one monthly mailing from the club.($27/yr with a (Max of 2 meals / Family at Dec Dinner, if Meals Paid by IRC.)
( amended 12NOV2004)


c. Student - Student membership is open to all persons under the age of 21 attending school full - time.  Student

membership shall be offered at 1/2 the individual membership annual dues.


d. Life - membership is open to all persons after the payment of the LIFE membership fee as set by the Board of Directors

each year. Life members enjoy all rights and privileges the same as the regular individual members.. (Always 10 times the Regular
Membership dues. starting 2005 they will be $150.00/yr)( ( amended 12NOV2004)



Regular meetings shall be held on the second (2nd) Friday of each Calendar month. Special meetings may be called by the

President upon the written request of any TEN (10) club members. Notices shall be sent to members concerning special

meetings and the business to be transacted. Only such business as designated shall be transacted. Such notices shall be

sent so that they arrive not less than 24 hours before the meeting.



The standing committees of the club shall be Public Relations, Education and Operating.


a: Public Relations - The committee shall be responsible for providing Media coverage of all events hosted by the club,

and to provide periodic membership drives.  The committee should also provide periodic public Amateur Awareness events.


This committee shall have Three (3) Sub Committees.

            1. News editor: Shall assemble and distribute the club news to the membership.

2. Refreshment committee: Shall provide refreshments for the club membership at

    club meetings and functions as required.

3. Webpage Author: Shall maintain a current status of the IRC website


b: Education - The committee shall be responsible for providing for the education of new amateurs, license classes for potential

new amateurs and opportunities for continuing education of members. ( youth activities )


c: Operating - The operating committee shall be responsible for providing operating events for club members, and for the

improvement of operating techniques. ( on air activities )



These By-Laws update and supersede any previous constitution, by-laws or amendments to those documents of the

Indianapolis Radio club Prior to December 1st, 2004.


Original: date 1914;

Last amendment Sept. 1984                                                                                                                

Date of this amendment: Dec. 2004

Review committee: N9DOO, K9XV, W9IH